Monday 29 September 2014


Magazine Covers

Magazine covers are simply to advertise items and show the next 'best' thing. For example, the magazine covers that I have chose are to do with 'fashion' and 'glamour'. 
The magazine covers that I have chosen are  very similar in different ways yet have their own differences. For example, every one of these magazine covers belong to different companies of the magazine brand. Elle, Vogue, Fashion, etc.

The similarities of these covers are they're all to do with fashion even though they're from different kinds of brands. Also, they are very similar as these fashion magazines always have an celebrity to model for their advertisements. I think this is because it'll catch the viewers attention more as some people look up to celebrities as their 'role models'. 
Another similarity would be the 'small prints'. Every magazine cover that is trying to sell, would have these on their front covers. Without them, who would want to buy something if they're not bribed into do so? 

The differences of these magazine covers are that they don't all belong to the same brand/company.
They all do different advertisements for their stuff that'd they would like to show in a certain way so they can sell. For example, the small prints. 'Small prints' is also a similarity but also they are apart of the differences as every magazine covers will have their own prints to get cross to their readers/fans. Small prints are normally something that people do not read but on these kind of magazines, everyone does. Small prints on fashion magazines are there to 'bribe' someone to buy their magazine to find out more and read further. 
Another differences will be different fashion magazines have different kind of 'fashion'. For example, one magazine could be more modern with the updated clothes and accessories, when another could be more retro and vintage trying to bring the 'old stuff' back into the new year.


Mind-map of ideas