Tuesday 14 October 2014

IDEA 2. Magazine ideas (Reflection)

For my second idea, I am going to demonstrate 'reflection' with 'portraiture'. 

I have chosen these three magazine covers from 'MADONNA' to show examples of 'portraiture'.
The covers that I have selected show huge similarities to each other as they all have a bright, high key lighting. Only showing slight reflective shadow under their jaw line.
My intentions is to take portraits of a subject (model) within the studio.
To get the best optimal results I will be using a white background with soft boxes to diffuse and confine the light, producing a high key effect with a very even glow resulting in soft reflective shadows. 

For photographic portraiture I chose to research Dariusz Szwedo.
He was born in Poland and at the age of thirteen moved to the UK.
He first studied art and design and realising that he was ‘no good’ at painting led him into the world Graphic Design discovering his interest in digital cameras.

Here are some examples of his work


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